Monday, August 14, 2006

Which Way the Wind Blows

This post is meant to complement Seneca's post below. Examine the intensity ratings by decade and see if anything interesting pops out. It sure looks as if 1930-60 was quite a time for storms compared to the subsequent 30-40 years. Admittedly, this involves strikes, but it is helpful nonetheless. This information comes to us from NOAA by the way, so it must obviously be a vicious neocon plot.


  1. I've only been paying attention to hurricanes since the Weather Channel debuted.

    I'd get all excited in June when hurricane season started. But nothing would really happen 'til towards the end of August, then things started really popping in September.

    Last season was an aberration.

    This season is normal again.

    And if historic patterns are repeated, the mid-Atlantic states will get more than their usual share this season.

    We'll see.

  2. Knuck,

    Settle down. My communications from Rove indicate that none of those things will occur if the Republicans retain control of Congress. There is a modest Category 3 planned for late September and a Category 2 scheduled for the second week of October.

    The rest of the stuff is being held in reserve until after the election outcome is known.
