Saturday, November 04, 2006

Boneheads Everywhere

History News Network: "Last night MSNBC broadcast one of the most powerful political editorials that I have ever seen. In it Keith Olbermann made a connection between the pre-Civil War attack on Senator Charles Sumner and the recent demands from Bush supporters that John Kerry apologize for an alleged statement disparaging U.S. troops."

Because, of course, beating a man nearly to death, and demanding an apology for a boneheaded gaffe are just the same

1 comment:

  1. Not really off-topic (per title):

    Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhastan opened "semi-wide" because it reportedly didn't test well outside urban areas. It had a per-screen average of $10,812 yesterday and came within $2.5 million of the Tradesports weekend target. I had planned on seeing it tomorrow, but I'm not enough of a fan to stand in a line to do so. It turns out that the sixteen-year-old who educated me regarding Borat on the weekend when Jackass II was number one at the box office knew of what he spoke. $9.05 million on 837 screens. Wow!
