Saturday, November 04, 2006

Catholic marchers turn on Glastonbury pagans | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited

Catholic marchers turn on Glastonbury pagans | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited: "In scenes reminiscent of medieval witchhunts, Catholic pilgrims in Glastonbury have attacked pagans and threatened to 'cleanse' them from the town.

Local pagans were pelted with salt and branded witches who 'would burn in hell' during a procession organised by Youth 2000, a conservative Catholic lay group. The Magick Box, a pagan shop on the route of the march, was also singled out and attacked.

Maya Pinder, the owner of the shop, said: 'We've had to hear comments such as 'burn the witches', we've had salt thrown in our faces and at our shop, people were openly saying they were 'cleansing Glastonbury of paganism'."


  1. It's good to see Europe refighting these battles after all these centuries. It is, I suppose, the trickle down effect of enlightened socialism at the top. Or perhaps this is the natural consequence of the current barbarian revival as Europe seeks its roots after the cultural trauma of Roman occupation.

    Mind, this report comes from 1) a newspaper, and 2) the Guardian. So there is no telling what really went on. Even so, I am feeling a strong impulse to join the Society for Creative Anachronism. It is best to be prepared for the future.

  2. those oppressive Catholics!

    next they'll be burning
    half of Paris.
