Friday, November 10, 2006

Muslims and sex crimes in London

Sir Henry Morgan whom we first visited for his study of the Religion of Peace figures on worldwide terror attacks since 9/11, is back with a study correlating London police sex crime statistics with census figures on the percentage of Muslim inhabitants in London boroughs. While there is some roughness around the edges of his study, I think it is clear that there is some correlation between the presence of a significant number (5-10 percent) of Muslims and sex crimes.

I wonder if this reflects primarily a Pakistani-Muslim phenomenon in London or a more generally Muslim one. Probably the latter: Sir Henry's findings are not surprising given the reporting by Fjordman and others on Muslim rape in Western cities; in any case, Sir Henry provides some interesting charts and readable commentary to add to the picture that is developing. I do not believe this sex criminality can be explained as simply a product of social backwardness or racism - the difference between the behaviour and success of Hindus and Sikhs and Muslims in Britain is widely noted; while backwardness and resistance to modernity surely plays a role (in which religion is both a cause and effect) this is a reflection of a monotheism modelled on the revelation and practices of Mohammed. Islam needs to change how it interprets itself, or be gone from our cities.


  1. Yes, I'm sure pornography does more to limit than to encourage sex crimes (though it will do both to some degree). But there is no shortage of porn in London, which probably makes Sir Henry's figures less shocking than the could have been. What Sir Henry does not account for is the correlation of sex crimes to young male populations, which would no doubt qualify how we see the "Muslim" variable. But how many Imam Hilaly's do we need to hear to believe there is a connection between JIhad and rape?

  2. You might be a step ahead there TP. I've no doubt that the young savages would consider rape by right of conquest fully coherent and integral within the pigsty of their theology but the lack of vengeance taken by the woman's family is evidence to them that she was in fact a slut. Sluts are fair game in the pigsty and one might expect a rising incidence until reprisals occur. If reprisals occur - one must remember that there is very little virtue remaining to be protected, thanks in large part to the acceptance of all that wonderful porn.

    Within their universe their actions are confirmed. The Brits are going to have to put up a number of lamppost warnings before this is going to stop and I'm not sure they have the will to do it.

  3. yes Rick, you are right. Porn is not nice. However, the best that can be said for porn is that it is better than all the prostitution it replaces (thoughts of Victorian London). Do we need to go back to a day when the lines between slut and virtue are clearly drawn by families in order to have the spirit to make rapists pay? I hope we can evolve an alternative besides running away from our own cities. It will take a renewal of national nerve, but not quite the same as before.

  4. Sir Henry's analysis also fails to take into account whether these areas are poor. Isn't there always more sexual assaults in poor areas?

  5. Rick Ballard,
    Protecting women against rape has nothing to do with the woman's virtuousness before the rape. A rape is a rape. It has nothing to do with consensual sex. Therefore, it has nothing to do with virtue.

  6. Pastorious,

    What I wrote has nothing to do with protection either. Virtue, honor and vengeance are so tied up in the islamic pigsty that they're inseparable - lack of vengeance taken is proof of lack of virtue. It all makes sense to them - they hear it from the pulpit at the mosque every week. Just as walking past the pornography provides them absolute proof of the decadence of the West.

  7. Pastorius,

    Sir Henry's study looks at a variety of London neighborhoods, rich and poor. In any case, it is not so much poverty that creates crime - though it is harder for the poor than the rich to resist the temptation to commit, e.g., property crime or rape when things like marriage are unaffordable - as it is immorality. It is ultimately a question of who has the will to resist the temptation of crime and Sir Henry is right that we should not insult the poor across the board, assuming they as a class cannot control themselves. Among poor or rich, it's ultimately a religious or moral/ethical question. What's more, serious Islam proves itself in many countries to be antithetical to successful free market capitalism: it makes you poor and so makes its own job of helping you resist temptaiton harder; fortunately it also allows you to rob and rape the Infidel if not your own.

  8. Rick:

    When I was 18 I went to a fraternity party and some nice young man put something in my drink and I was then gang raped.

    They were all white, all upper class and upper middle class from good families and not one of them got in any kind of trouble for it.

    And what is more the same thing happened to someone else I knew on the same campus. We have all heard of date rapes etc and it seems that from time to time there will be more of these kinds of crimes in certain places...or at least we will hear more about them.

    Beleive it or not to the woman who is the victim the man's religion is not the issue, he is just a man who is hurting you. And if the religion was not there to make him believe he had the right, he would come up with some other excuse.

  9. Terrye,

    Take a look at the numbers and get back to me. Sir Henry isn't making anything up and he's quite clear that he's not declaring causation - just a curious pattern that repeats itself time after time after time after time.

  10. Rick:

    My only point is that rape is not a sexual act, it is a violent act and men never seem to have to work that hard to find some reason to justify. I do not doubt that any culture that devalues women will lead to more instances of rape.

    In fact I wonder how many young women have been raped in this country by young men listening to rap musics with lyrics about slitting the bitch's throat and throwing her ass out the window.

  11. Sorry, Terrye, I misunderstood you. You're right that any culture which celebrates a lesser status for women is going to be more likely to have a higher incidence of rape.

  12. "I'm losing faith in the skinheads and yobs of the UK. They're the ones who need to get their act together."
    I agree, and isn't it amazing that it's come down to this?

  13. Rick Ballard,

    Ok, I got it. Sorry I misunderstood you the first time.
