Friday, January 12, 2007

I couldn't say it any better...

Brutally Honest: "You don't think this man has doubts? You don't think he feels the weight of this presidency? You don't think that the pressure has aged him? You don't think that the deaths of our service members weigh heavy on his heart?

Then maybe you just don't think."

... so I just copied it here to say it again.


  1. You're definately right. People often blame the man incharge. Bush doesn't have the cleanest head, but he probably feels like a jerk half the time. What with everyone watching him, judging him, telling him what's wrong and right. How would you feel, you as in everyone feeling that way about Bush. Poor guy, all I can do is give my pity and sympathy. I don't feel like going out of my way to help a murderer of nations. But he deserves pity and sympathy at least.

  2. Someone asks Kevin Costner what he thought of the snuff film out on Bush and he said, How must that make his family feel?

    I lived Kevin better after that.

  3. I don't feel like going out of my way to help a murderer of nations.

    You had me right up to that sentence.

  4. Yes, what nation did he murder? They are all still there.

    In fact he stopped a murderer of nations when he stopped Saddam. He helped create a nation when he got rid of the Taliban.

    But what the hell, who cares if Saddam fed old ladies to starving dogs?

  5. yeh--it didn't happen next-door, so screw 'em.

  6. what, you object to people who cannot grasp the idea of 'tomorrow', or the principle of the lesser evil, being allowed to vote?

  7. knuck:

    I know. Today I read Barone's blog and he seems to think the Senate might really be able to mess bush up here. They want a date for when we will win. How petty is that?

  8. Maybe he should do what Clinton did when asked when we would leave Kosovo, just make something up and then ignore it.
