Saturday, March 24, 2012

First Flares Poll of International Opinion results

The first two Flares Polls of International Opinion results are in. The first poll to close was The Robotolizer's entry: Which is the best killer robot army - Cylons, Ro-Men or Terminators? 

The Terminators won hands down, gathering 95 votes for 67% of the total. Comfortably in second place were the Cylons with 34 (24%) votes while bringing up the rear, after barely putting up a fight, were the ever comical Ro-Men with a measly 12 (8%) votes.

The second poll to close, and the first Flares Poll of International Opinion to ever be held, was Who is the better Agent 99 Barbara Feldon or Anne Hathaway? In that post Ms Feldon easily won the poll with 209 (79%) votes to Anne Hathaway's 55 (20%) votes.

So, congratulations to the Terminators and Barbara Feldon for their convincing victories. A hearty handshake and a "job well done" to the winners.

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