Monday, May 29, 2023

Faceless grief

Memorial Day's cost

But listen. Even that story is made up.

I want you to feel what I felt. I want you to know why story-truth is truer sometimes than happening-truth.

Here is the happening-truth. I was once a soldier. There were many bodies, real bodies with real faces, but I was young then and I was afraid to look. And now, twenty years later, I'm left with faceless responsibility and faceless grief. 

― Tim O'Brien



Bruceph said...

Not being entirely unfamiliar with the faceless, nor with grief, it's noticeably good to talk, to write, even to unravel and/or purge. But absolution is best.
Needsbe thou enter the confessional. There is niether valor, dignity nor memorial in holding on to a haunting past. Live, for them.

ambisinistral said...

True. Moving on, from either failure or success, is an often underappreciated but very necessary mechanism. While remembering the past, one should not dwell in it.