I planned on inviting somebody from the Taliban, hopefully Mullah Omar if I could find his email address, to my house for a little good ol' Fourth of July hot dog munching, fireworks, and a bout of apologizing for the U.S. of A. To the left are the franks I had picked out. I'm certain they would have been appreciated by my new Taliban friends.
Alas, CNN is reporting that Obama may be rethinking his earlier invitation. It now looks like, in keeping with his new posture of being "shocked and appalled" by the thuggery of the Iranian rioters, that the hot dog diplomacy has been called off. However, the invitations that have gone out will not be rescinded. So I guess hot dog semi-diplomacy is kinda, sorta, somewhat still on the table. Maybe.
Now, what am I going to do with three cases of Hebrew Nationals and a gallon of mustard?
Let's mail the dogs and mustard to the to the brutal bastards.
Rather than mail, I was thinking more along the lines of a laser guided air drop.
Could we wrap in a MOAB bun?
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