I respect the sentiment once expressed by the outlaw Josey Wales who said, "Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms". But I'm beginning to dislike these ugly suckers. Especially when they make cheeky fly-bys of My Osprey Nest when Mamma ain't around to kick their sorry buzzard butts. All while Fugly Buzzard sits there looking at me - close enough that I could just about hit 'im upside da head baddabing wi't a pipe - just wishin' I were dead.
Maybe Mother Nature wants you to take up an arrangement of wood and coked iron ore, load into it some packages of elements & minerals such as nitrogen, sulfur, and lead, and release by muscle-powered trigger-finger the chemical energy into kinetically-charged lead directed at the carrion-eaters, befo they hurts them babies.
All those years of Tweety and Sylvester study at last come to use!
It's hard isn't it. Nature is a bitch.
I still think creatures are better off in zoos.
Protect your zoo. You have my permission. Just don't kill it because it probably has baby uglies to feed.
The food chain and competition. Who knew God is a capitalist.
I feel like a warden keeping an eye on the psychos . . .
We live in the jungle, it's just been downsized.
haw -- "Kill the Wabbit" --right up there with Mickey and the Broom in "Fan (don't bogart that joint)tasia". Reminds of an all-time bad riddle:
The answer is 9W; what is the question?
"Do you spell your name with a "V", Herr Wagner?"
Mark Twain said Wagner's music is "much better than it sounds."
While the aforementioned 870 is the tool of choice for final rectification of the unfortunate situation it's use creates a potential for noise pollution which might draw unwanted attention. I have found this Crossman product to be rather effective in dissuading obnoxious fowl from remaining in the area. Clipping a few tail feathers works rather well.
I'm still trying to figure out a solution to the midnight crawdad feeds that the local otter hold on the dock.
Wonder who was the first person to pick up a crawdad and say "Hey, let's EAT this thing!"
Anyhoo, trying to locate an extremely funny Friggin Cat (tm) video I'd been sent and then lost, I came across a perfect meld for the cat n' German opera subthread.
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