Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry Christmas

Tapestry by Elizabeth Goodrick-Dillon

Have a happy and safe holiday.


Doug said...

Hanukkah Candles on Christmas Eve

Doug said...
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Doug said...

From Heckles to Halos

Syl said...

Merry Christmas back at ya, Terrye!

ambisinistral said...

Whew... I've been busy. Finally getting to slow down a little.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all Yargbies, Commenters, Lurkers and Trolls.

MeaninglessHotAir said...

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Best Wishes to all. You guys are great!

Doug said...

Speaking of (but not in) English:
Christmas Humor Present from India .

A chronic shortage of skilled workers is threatening India's outsourcing industry. Call centers and outsourcing firms are growing fast, but their human resources employees despair because most of the young Indians they interview are, they say, "unemployable."

Some people in the IT industry have said that only one in 10 graduates is worth taking on.
"Just look at their English, "
fumed a frustrated Mumbai-based call center manager as he waved around letters written by employees. One read:
"As I am marrying my daughter, please grant a week's leave."
Another said:
"I am in well here and hope you are also in the same well."

Barry Dauphin said...

Have a Merry Christmas, Happy hanukkah and generally great holiday season to all YARGBeeees!!!

Jamie Irons said...


Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah.

(I am "bi". ;-)

Jamie Irons

Doug said...

Isn't that a requirement for residence in Marin?

Rick Ballard said...

My very best wishes to all for a reflective and joyous celebration of the miracle of Light and the first day of the celebration of the miracle of lights.

May the coming year be brighter for all.

chuck said...

Ah, Ahem,


ex-democrat said...
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ex-democrat said...

happy holidays to all, and thankyou for allowing me to become part of the Yargb family.

Charlie Martin said...

Me, I'm going to pour a libation to Prosepina.

Little early, isn't it?

Ianus wil take it, though, i'm sure.

buddy larsen said...

The Great Caesar's Imperial pasta-draining pan?

buddy larsen said...

Oh, mercy, I'm FAR pasta my sell-by date.

Charlie Martin said...

Some of us backwaters of of the old empire still use the Julian Calender.

The Great Caesar's Imperial pasta-draining pan?

That could be the worst pun I've seen in my entire life.

buddy larsen said...

In a foreshadow of Shakespeare, Caesar used to annex new wine-growing regions with "I Come to Seize Your Berry, Not to Praise It!"

Worst pun, Seneca, if you and Peter knew how to spell 'calendar', you'd know it wasn't a pun at all (heh heh, illiterate Texan does one on the Lords and Crays).

buddy larsen said...

A Whirling Dervish

buddy larsen said...

And the Gauls finally exclaimed "Hail, Caesar!", to which Caesar replied "Hell, Yes!"

Anonymous said...

The four year old just left and I am beat, burshed, tired and done for.

buddy larsen said...

Wonder how bad this has to get before Seneca bans the thread?

buddy larsen said...

Gad, Terrye--sympathies, sympathies....

Doug said...

Merry Christmas, Dammit!

Doug said...
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Doug said...

Hakuna Matata ?
Is that Hawaiian for Whirling Dervish ?
Wonder if Lileks' seen your Dervish Yet?

ex-democrat said...

er, could i get my calendar back now?

buddy larsen said...

not right now, I'm looking for a date.

truepeers said...

Salutations, greetings and a big yodle to all Yargbies and friends.

buddy larsen said...

I never knew what Greenwich Mean Time really meant until I hit 50. "Mean", hell, I'd say 'sadistic'!

buddy larsen said...

G-d's sense-of-humor dept:
EU is both the European Union AND the Onomatopoeia for encountering something disgusting.

vnjagvet said...

Merry Christmas to All and to All a Good Night.

Froeliche Weinachten

Joyeaux Noel

Happy Chanukah

[All spelling from memory]

God Bless Us Every One

buddy larsen said...

...cute li'l Christmas ditty.

Doug said...

More Christmastime Animal Entertainment

Doug said...

Tiny Tim
was named after the real-life
Tiny Fred.
Who was vnjagvet named after?

buddy larsen said...

Judge Advocate General Corps, veteran of VietNam.

Wazza matta, Pineapple, the air heavy in Hawaii ?

Doug said...

Too Much Hakuna Matata, I guess.

Doug said...

"Wazza Matta?"
- "Hakuna Matata"

Anonymous said...

I wake up bright and early on a Monday morning, all pissy because I have to work a half day, check out the thread and what do I find?

The remains of a drunken brawl that is what.

I can not leave you boys alone with a decent thread for five mnutes now can I?

I shudder to think what the New Years thread will be reduced to.

Charlie Martin said...

I'll have you know I don't drink.


I have, however, been face down in a country ham.

(What a family. Ham for Hanukah.)

Charlie Martin said...

I'll say.

Barry Dauphin said...

In case any of you are practicing Costanzas, Happy Festivus!!!

Doug said...

Two Hams and a Spam.
- Pineapple
Targeted Religous Marketing

buddy larsen said...

Terrye, about time, if ever a needed intervention, twas here in this gin-soaked hallway.

buddy larsen said...

Ham for Hanukah, that's High Ecuculinarialamenicalism.

buddy larsen said...

pretty good joke at your link, Doug--but if the American was a marketing exec it would be much funnier. If no one will get mad, here's a better Jewish christmas joke:

As a teacher, Ms. Jones, was very curious about how each of her students celebrated Christmas. She called on young Patrick Murphy. Tell me Patrick what do you do at Christmas time? she asked.

Patrick addressed the class, Well Ms. Jones, me and my twelve brothers and sisters go to the midnight Mass and we sing hymns, then we come home very late and we put mince pies by the back door and hang up our stockings. Then all excited we go to bed and wait for Father Christmas to come with all our

Very nice Patrick, she said. Now Jimmy Brown what do you do at Christmas?

Well, Ms. Jones, me and my sister also go to Church with Mum and Dad and we sing carols and we get home ever so late. We put cookies and milk by the chimney and we hang up our stockings. We hardly sleep, waiting for Santa Claus to bring our presents.

Realizing there was a Jewish boy in the class and not wanting to leave him out of the discussion, she asked, Now, Isaac Cohen, what do you do at Christmas?

Isaac said, Well, it's the same thing every year. Dad comes home from the office. We all pile into the Rolls Royce, then we drive to his toy factory. When we get inside, we look at all the empty shelves and begin to sing 'What a Friend We Have in Jesus." Then we all go to the Bahamas!

Doug said...

Where Buddy Spent His Youth

buddy larsen said...

Where there's a boundary, there's a joke. Cajuns in my old homeland call each other Coonass, but cross the Sabine River and them's fightin' words.

buddy larsen said... me, that Frosty comes alive after midnite, and roams the room looking under the tables.

buddy larsen said...

You know, it's an ill wind that blows no good, and one thing that the long road from Oslo, thru the Intifada and 911 and the GWoT has done for certain, is to make Christians and Jews take a fresh new look at the tired old pomo-flattened dichotomy, and see all sorts of new colors and vibrations and alliances in each other. Kinship and love is what it is, I blush to say.

Doug said...

Spam is the State Meat in Hawaii.

Doug said...

"Saline Women"
If the personal ad says "Adventurous,"
it means she's had more partners than you'll ever have.

Doug said...

Hey Guys! She put the drunk o meter test on down there and I'm intermittently dsyleixc.
Nic knowin y..

buddy larsen said...

I can eat 50 eggs.

Doug said...

Buddy, 9:36 PM:
Whoa! I lost you, man.

buddy larsen said...

mairzy doats
n' dozy doats
but liddle
lambsy divy.

buddy larsen said...

Get you a copper kettle, get you a copper coil,
Fill it with new-made corn mash and never more you'll toil.
You'll just lay there by the juniper while the moon is bright,
Watch them jugs a-filling
In the pale moonlight.

(_that friggin whiskey Tax!)

buddy larsen said...

When it cools to air temp, it's ready. If your legs go numb after the first snort, your're ready.
"Brang on them yankee revenooers!"

buddy larsen said...

iteHa--just figured out why the old slang for the county jailhouse is "the cooler".

buddy larsen said...

'iteha'-the verification code's first three letters, plus 'ha'. ? got me !