Monday, June 12, 2006

Salt and Pepper

Well, at least some critters can get along and don't need to be dragged out of trees.


ex-democrat said...

which one's salt ? ;-)

Syl said...

Kind of picture it's soooo nice to wake up to!

buddy larsen said...

Great Pyrenees, right?

Anonymous said...

I used to have a hound dog named 'no stubby bad dog'. No kidding, no stubby bad dog became his name because he heard it so much. He was a gift.

One Christmas I was milking cows and another dairy farmer showed up in my milk parlor with a hound dog pup wearing a red ribbon around its neck. The farmer handed me the dog and said "Merry Christmas" turned and walked out the door. With me screaming "Come back here you sob I don't need another mut".

I kept the dog and his best friend was a barn cat named Tabby. They slept together every night. It was the damndest thing.

buddy larsen said...

The shadows, man, those two shadows!

buddy larsen said...

Raised 'em for years, as herd dogs. Deep barking = scared coyotes.

buddy larsen said...

Har! ...and to think I forwent using a pun on barking herd dogs as "heard" dogs. As a pun, I thought it too low. But then I read about barquing in Basque. Thanks--misery loves company!