Monday, June 12, 2006

Who's your blogger twin?

Your Famous Blogger Twin is InstaPundit

Smart, well-informed, a true polymath
Don't be surprised if your blogging brings you fame as well!

Now if I can only get some Instabucks.


buddy larsen said...

Wasn't Andrew Sullivan, was it (*blush*)?

chuck said...


You to? It's rigged, I tell yah. No question on fainting spells or lunar effects.

Anonymous said...

Moby???? That is insane. no way jose.

Rick Ballard said...

I really don't understand this. There were no blogs in Scipio's time. Oh well, back to my piece on Car.. er, Iran.

buddy larsen said...

Scipio -- the Little Boy and Fat Man rolled into one, of Carthage (which played Ba'al befo' Mommahumid was borned).

Barry Dauphin said...

Heh. Indeed.