Friday, November 11, 2005


Bush slams back at the Democrats and their revisionist history of the war!

It's about damn time!!

But, he gave the Democrats enough rope to hang themselves with their carping and false accusations so maybe the timing is just right!

Here's Gateway Pundit.

Here's Glenn's main posting..follow his links and enjoy!

Me, I'm going to sit back with a bag of popcorn and watch the show!

Update (Seneca, 14:15 MDT): Also see Jeff Goldstein's posts on the topic:

... Glenn touches on an important distinction that we should now be willing to embrace: namely, that though the anti-war position is not inherently unpatriotic, those in the anti-war movement who use lies and misinformation to harm the country are—and political opportunism that relies on revisionist history and the leveling of false charges in order to regain power is indicative of mindset that profoundly cynical and profoundly anti-democratic.

Update (Syl, 16:24 EST): And let's not forget those who opposed the war and didn't care about the WMD threat at all, yet use the 'No WMD!' meme as an excuse to oppose the war which they already opposed. My head hurts. ::grabbing another handful of popcorn:: Real butter! Yum!

Yet Another Update (Seneca, 17:35 MDT): More from Glenn:

... outrage over questioning of patriotism is kind of one-sided. You can say that Bush and Cheney started the war with a bunch of lies to enrich their buddies at Halliburton, and that their supporters are all a bunch of chickenhawks on the White House payroll. But that's different because -- because Bush is anti-evolution, and doesn't support gay marriage! Or something.


Anonymous said...

I saw something on Fox, but then again Fox ain't the evening news.

I think it is about time myself and I hope Bush keeps it up loud enough and long enough that people have to hear.

Syl said...

Knuck and Terrye

Dunna worry. The gauntlet has been thrown down!

and Rove is back.

We're winning in Iraq and that makes the Dems sound doubly stupid.

Let them keep digging that hole!

Syl said...

Oh, and Seneca, thanks for the additon.

I'd like to add to the anti-patriotic charge that those who opposed the war coudn't care less whether WMDs were found or not, yet they use them as an excuse to..oppose the war! LOL

Rick Ballard said...

"so maybe the timing is just right!"

It's still a year to the elections. I really don't expect a strong flow of this until March. I doubt that he plans to vacation in Crawford this year.

Knuck, the Demsm just don't have the heft anymore. Sure, they'll continue the lies. That's what liars do. It just doesn't matter as much anymore.

The useful idiots have a tough and futile struggle in front of them. It will be entertaining to watch them drown in bile next November.

Stupidity is always its own and only reward.

Anonymous said...


Why should he do that when the Democrats who made the same claims already backed up the claims themselves long ago?

Are you under the impression that Clinton had no evidence or that he lied?

This is just Democrats trying to demoralize the troops and make politcal hey off of the suffering of others.

it is unpatriotic and irresponsible for the Democrats to make these claims.

They had years when they were in power to dismiss these claims and they did not. Now they are just trying to use the war for political gain.

BTW, have you ever read the resolution giving Bush authority to go to Iraq? There is a lot more to it than wmd. And if they found the weapons tomorrow these people would still be doing the same thing.

The urge to relive the happy days of Viet Nam and defeat and boat people and reeducation camps and national shame are just too much for them to resist.

Syl said...


Thanks for the links all together!



How about:

"The Republicans showed how stupid we are, so let's vote them out of power!"

"We knew Bush lied but we voted for war anyway!"

"Bush duped us! Vote for us because we're smarter than him!"

Anonymous said...

Peter UK -

BTW Is pleading the Fifth a good Democratic policy?.

Perhaps for some, but Ted Kennedy usually runs a tab.

Anonymous said...

Rove strikes again...frustrating for us, but patience is a virtue. The one message party chose quagmire! And told us so ALOT!

Mid-terms campaign ads have already been written...

"I supported the war, before I didn't"

vnjagvet said...

A good speech well delivered. The President has been saying essentially the same thing since his inauguration speech.

No one in the Democratic Party or the MSM wants to see or hear his praise of the therapeutic effects of free, representative government in the middle east and other places of tension, and his determination that it be given a fair opportunity to develop in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other troubled places where it has been suppressed by force of arms.

Although repetition is necessary, the bully pulpit cannot be overused or it becomes ineffective.

But this was a great speech and a great day to give it.

Anonymous said...

Pete in UK
---that is what I thought too! You know why? the dems aren't making a big stink about being "left out" of the intel brief(ings). And instead of their new outrage of leaking (plame) they are more concerned in focusing on PRE-war intel.

They don't miss opportunities to express outrage, the absence speaks volumes.

flenser said...


What law do you imagine is being broken? What evidence do you have that anyone is being tortured?

Please show your work.

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone is being tortured in American custody. I do think that the administration knows that given the choice between trusting an American interrogator and AlQaida operatives with a penchant for murder the average Democrat at this point will follow the path of Durbin and trust the terrorist.

Someday a Democrat just might make it to the White House and if he/she/it does... the same debate concerning who controls these issues, the executive or legislative branch, will still exist.

My guess is the Democrats will feel differently about it then.

I think McCain is just trying to pander here and his efforts will backfire like McCain/Feingold did.

Besides are we honestly expected to believe that when Clinton allowed the Jordanians to interrogate people who were thought to be part of the millenium plot that issues like this were not on the table then?

flenser said...


1) The Geneva Convention does not apply to terrorists.

2) Taguba's inquiry was into abuses in Iraq. It has no bearing on the previously secret dentention centers under discussion here.

3) Where crimes have been determined to have been committed, they have been discovered and prosecuted by the US miltary, without any help from the press.

4) Larry Wilkerson's comments are worth the paper they are printed on, no more.

5) The US is not answerable to the International Red Cross.

Lastly, I suggest that you attempt to confine your comments to the topic under discussion. These comment sections are not a forum for you to opine on whatever matter takes your fancy.

flenser said...


What does the link you provided have to do with the secret detention centers in Europe?

flenser said...


Although we don't know all the details of the secret detention centers, what you say is probably more or less accurate.

But that does not explain what the Nation article on AG has to do with any of this.

Abu Gharib was not a secret detention center. It was run by the US Army, not the CIA. It housed many different types of people. The detention centers are reserved for the hard-core terrorists.

Would it be preferable to you if we simply executed the terrorists on the spot? That is the realistic alternative to detaining them.

Syl said...


May I remind you that you do not have the right to run around and do just anything you please. Every single one of your rights has limits and responsibilities.

Your freedom isn't free. It was bought for you by people who fought a war. It is protected for you by people who die in wars. For as long as we maintain our freedom, we must pay for it.

Anonymous said...


Considering the fact that such legal minds as those on the Supreme Court are struggling with these issues and trying to decide what if anything these people are entitled to I really do not think you are qualified to make blanket pronouncements like some freaking God on high.

The truth is these guys might not be entitled to anything other than a military tribunal and a bullet. In fact that is probably more than they deserve.