Monday, January 30, 2006

190% of us are heterosexual

Instapundit pointed to an amusing (not the topic but the innumeracy aspect) Run the Numbers post at Volokh. If you follow the comments just a little while you will find the statistical methodology showing how I arrived at my title for this post.


flenser said...

I'm guessing you mean this one.

If 5% of men are homosexual, 5% of women must be lesbian. Therefore the percentage of homosexuals and lesbians in the population is 5% + 5% = 10%.

Think of the possibilities this new math opens up.

Syl said...

I was editor of a company newspaper once. (so shoot me)

A little filler article I wrote about some new office space and gave it as 500 sq feet.

No No!!!! That's wrong. So I checked my notes and made a correction. To 50,000.

No No!!! That's wrong. So I put on my glasses and checked my notes and finally got it right on the correction of the correction.
5000 sq ft.