Tuesday, January 10, 2006

No to NBC

Terre Haute is not a big city. It has a population of about 60,000 people and has for years been controlled by the Democrats, an exception for Indiana.

But it is still a traditional town in a midwestern state. WTWO is the NBC affiliate in Terre Haute and it just said no to NBC.

Due to the feedback they received from the community, management has decided they will not air the new sitcom The Book of Daniel.

It seems that the people of Terre Haute took exception with a comedy that depticted Christians as drug addicts, drug dealers, thieves, alcoholics, homosexuals, adulterers etc.

But I do not think that is what upset people half as much as the depiction of Christ as a smart ass.

I don't attend Church on a regular basis and I don't pretend to be devout, but what is the point in something like this? It seems offensive to me and if the family were Muslims instead of Christians I doubt we would be seeing Mohammed portrayed as sarcastic..not unless the producer, the cast and the crew all had a death wish anyway.


Anonymous said...

as a rule.

chuck said...

It has a population of about 60,000 people and has for years been controlled by the Democrats

This seems to be a long tradition. Terre Haute was a rail center and the home of Eugen Debs; his house is now a national historic monument. The link has this quote:

“Too long have the workers of the world waited for some Moses to lead them out of bondage. I would not lead you out if I could; for if you could be led out, you could be led back again. I would have you make up your minds there is nothing that you cannot do for yourselves.”

Yes, there was a time when the left was serious, believed in liberty, and had some morally decent leaders. But even then it tended to be isolationist and wanted to avoid involvement in European wars. And why not? I still feel the pull of this point of view with its "screw Europe" outlook. Oddity: Norman Thomas (socialist) and Burton Wheeler (progressive/Democrat) joined with Charles Lindberg in founding the American First Committee. This interesting fact of political association seems oddly unpublicised.

Anonymous said...

Well once upon a time believing in safe birth control and a 40 hour work week was liberal, now these things are just a matter of course.

The problem with liberals is that they could not quit while they were ahead.

Like that damn bunny they just kept going and going and...

chuck said...


Pat Robertson or James Dobson.

The evangelicals I know don't give a damn about either of the gentlemen. What do *your* evangelical friends say?

Doug said...

Where the Drugs come from:
Buddy's Backyard, Nuevo Laredo.
(Link takes you to Traitor Tice Video, Scroll down for Mexican Drug War Combat Coverage.)

truepeers said...

Actually, Mark, re abusing medication, Jesus liked to hang out with drink vendors and the like. It was not because he thought they weren't sinners, but because they were not so damned self-righteous.

Anonymous said...


I think they should do a show about a San Francisco liberal lawyer who hires illegal immigrants to raise his children while he lives in a gated community and works dilligently to keep the rabble from coming in and bringing down his property values.

Oh, the thing is I have actually met a man like this.

I do not know of any Christians who actually care about Robertson....but the point is the show goes out of its way to be offensive for no other reason than giving the hypocritical little snobs with this twisted world view an oppurtunity to be bigots on TV.

Yes, I said bigots.

The other point to my post is that this decision was made by a NBC affiliate in a community where not everyone is a born again Christian or a Republican.

So go ahead, tell a life long Democrats with Kerry bumper stickers they are full of crap.

buddy larsen said...

What if the title of the book is "Poisonous Garbage for Nasty People"--couldn't ya just, burn it, just for the hell of it, Mark?

buddy larsen said...

Doug, any more comments about my backyard, and you'll wake up with a decapitated pineapple in your bed.

buddy larsen said...

Jesus did have that one incident where he got a little physical on the accoutrements of the money-changers set up in the Temple. But I doubt that a commercial entertainment production is going to be very much interested in exploring that story's lesson.

buddy larsen said...

Politically, tho, mark, you really ought to claim the peccadilloes of your ancestors--Truman, JFK, old Zell & Joe L. et al--are the only ancestors that keep the tar & feathers off the new and sublimely idiotic Dean/Reid/Pelosi gang.

buddy larsen said...


"Oddity: Norman Thomas (socialist) and Burton Wheeler (progressive/Democrat) joined with Charles Lindberg in founding the American First Committee. This interesting fact of political association seems oddly unpublicised."

Thanks for that--you're absolutely right--we spend so much time discussing America's historical left vs right wrt foreign threats, it's nice to publicize this pre-WWII dalliance with appeasement of dictators on the part of BOTH fringe elements, left as well as right.

Lends credence to the saddam-clarified notion that the fringe of the left is now *the* left.