Friday, January 06, 2006

Stephen Hayes gets his wish.

For some time Stephen Hayes of the Weekly Standard has been wanting the government to release information gleaned from documents found in Iraq after the fall of Saddam. It seems he got his wish.

Over at Powerline there is an excerpt of Hayes's upcoming article stating that Saddam Hussein's regime trained thousands of international terrorists in camps within Iraq in the years leading up to the war.

And there are still millions of pages of documents to be translated.

I wonder what else they will discover?


Jamie Irons said...


This could be an amazing and transformative development.

If one thinks for a moment about why the left has been so determined not to see any connection between Saddam's regime and terrorism, it dawns on one that, more than anything, this effort, so hard to keep up in the face of -- well, almost of common sense, really, and the evidence which was already available to the public (like the $25,000 dollars per Palestinian suicide bomber) -- was an expression of their desire to injure Bush, to prove him "wrong," no matter what.

Jamie Irons

MeaninglessHotAir said...

I'm sure we all know it's a CIA plant because Saddam, being secular, couldn't possibly be sheltering terrorists, who are religious.

Anonymous said...

It would seem to me that if FDR could work with Stalin and Hitler could work with the Japanese and the Iranians could work with the Russians that it would follow.....

Rick Ballard said...

"I wonder what else they will discover?"

Kofi Annan's pager number.

Jacques Chirac's favorite Swiss bank - including account numbers.

Pictures of Gerhard Schroeder in a comprpomising situation involving OBL's favorite pet nanny.

Birth records showing Vladimir Putin to be the Ayatollah Khomeini's natural child by a Russian lady of the evening.

John Kerry's real 201 file.

Hillary Clinton's membership card in the CPUSA.

Canceled checks endorsed by Howard Dean, Larry Johnson, Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson.

A purchase order for 30 tons of yellowcake made out to Cogema signed by Saddam (with detailed instructions on transhipment from Niger through Algeria to Libya).

A rental agreement with Assad for 1,000,000 square feet of warehouse space in Syria for the storage of 'the Hussein family's household goods'.

ex-democrat said...

rick - you forgot george galloway's HIV test results

Syl said...

Three terrorist camps. Training around 2000 terrorists a year from 1999 through 2002.

And we didn't have a clue?

I find it amazing that those who admit our intelligence agencies got the WMD wrong, won't even consider the notion they may have gotten the Saddam/terrorist connection wrong as well.

Anonymous said...


I think that a clue was all they had and when Saddam covered his tracks they lacked the evidence needed to prove it.

Maybe Eason Jordan and Amanpour's home phone numbers will be in those files as well.

Specter said...

mark doesn't have to provide proof...he knows he's right. Did ya have a happy Fitzmas Mark?

Specter said...

mark...although it is off-topic, you should check out the lists of all the people Abramoff and his PACs gave money too. It ain't just Republicans pal. Wnat me to post the specifics? naw-why bother? You'll just say it's lies anyways and offer no proof.

Sincerely - I hope your mom gets better. Not fun when a parent needs help.

Charlie Martin said...

Missed that about your mother, Mark. What's up with her?

Anonymous said...


According to Duefler and Kaye there were chemical agents in Iraq and enriched uranium and centrifuges in rose gardens and dozens of other illegal and poscribed elements.

As to what happened to the weapons stockpiles the UN and the Clinton administration swore were there people such as yourself offer no clues.

Just mindless babbling hatred. same old same old... you are like a broken record.

Saddam was an evil man, the fact that people like you miss him and wish he was in power says a lot of rather nasty things about you and your kind.

Anonymous said...

Once here and once upon a time elsewhere:

Jamie Irons arrives at 4:00PM PST on 11/15/03...

MikeG asks if Roger has seen Master and Commander only seconds later...

I weigh in on the movie and not coming to premature conclusions on 11/16 at 1:27AM...

and Rick Ballard makes a prediction at 12:18PM on the same day...

...and so it goes.

MeaninglessHotAir said...


Nice find. It was before my time in this little world.

Rick said: "This war will require the expenditure of more money than blood."

It's hard to judge what that means, because it's apples to oranges. How much money is my blood worth. But, on the whole, I'd have to say that the prediction has been remarkably accurate.

Since you're averse to posting on politics, why don't you take the reins in your own hands and post something about movies? Send me an email.

Anonymous said...

patrick has a great deal of knowledge about literature as well.

Rick Ballard said...


I'll second MHA's invitation regarding movies - or politics if you feel like it.


I have considered the War on Terror to be analogous to the military action taken by the British (with occasional American help) to minimize piracy - or to end the Atlantic slave trade. Very time and treasure consuming but not particularly bloody, as measured against our Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea or Vietnam.

Piracy and the slave trade were based upon pecuniary motive and at root so is terrorist activity. Control of the black gold mines is the foundational issue and jihad makes a nice pretense to lure the front line suckers necessary - they don't even have to be paid as well as a pirate's crew.

OBL and Saddam both wanted the Saudi's (or Kuwaiti's) treasure and Arafat taught the world that terror was an effective tool in securing objectives that would be otherwise unobtainable.

I'm not sure that the war will be as long as I had first thought. If the Copperheads would sit down and shut up, regime change in Syria and Iran could be effected at relatively low cost. Once the Iranian nuclear capacity is eliminated (and the mullahs sent packing) all that will remain is active guard duty.

buddy larsen said...

Rick, yep, now that everybody and their grandmother knows precisely what the copperheads are up to wrt their anti-war act, they're surely not winning any new votes for their next set of electoral candidates. Ergo, any day now they should sit down and shut up, and let the nation get about its job. I can see 'em turning coat for a reason (winning the White House, say), but I can't 'em going to much effort otherwise. You know, as they would if they actually gave a sh*t.

Anonymous said...


One would think that might give them pause.

buddy larsen said...

Peter's link is very entertaining--Protein Wisdom. Good post, & lots of idiotarian commenters trying out their hash and getting served their (empty, and the last to know it) heads.