Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Steyn on Kerry and a question

Mark Steyn has written a very entertaining article on the silly John Kerry and his relationship with the use of force.

But I have a question. Brad Ellsworth is poised to win the election in my district, and this guys is further to the right than I am. Where does this leave the Democrats? In an effort to win in areas like this they have found conservative candidates who support the use of force, are prolife, anti gun control, anti amnesty and believe that marriage should only be between a man and a woman. If they win the people who will take control of several key positions in the House do not share these views. Will there be a day of reckoning within the Democratic party between the Nancy Pelosis and the Brad Ellsworths?

Or is Brad feeding us a line of crap so that the rubes and hicks and hillbilly redstaters will vote for him?


Luther said...

Terrye, Betsy's Page points to Thomas Sowell who answers your question is some respects. A different type of voter fraud.

chuck said...


So how is Ellsworth *not* a republican. Is he for withdrawal from Iraq? Medicare/SS? Something? Webb would be another of these sorts.

It could be the Democratic party starting to balance itself again. Amazing things happen when folks start to follow the market instead of ideologie. Or so I am told. Money and power are the universal solvents.

Anonymous said...


I wondered that too, but the thing is if he wins the people who will take over the leadership positions in that party hold views different from him on every major issue.

I think the question is, why is he a Democrat?