Friday, March 03, 2006

The answer is yes

Daniel Henninger of the Wall Street Journal ask the question Has Washington Gone Insane :

Over the Bush years that code has been displaced by a new ethos that to resist policies that flowed from such a "lie," anything goes--such as leaks about the most sensitive national security programs or published "dissents" by recently retired CIA officials like Paul Pillar. Compare this ethos to that of the U.S. intelligence community that ran the Venona program, producing invaluable signals intelligence on Soviet espionage activities from 1943 onward without any participant revealing its existence. No such achievement is imaginable now.

Instead every issue that emerges becomes an illegitimate extension of the original "lie"--the NSA wiretaps, the Guantanamo detentions, Abu Ghraib, terrorist interrogation techniques, the Plame affair. This is a dangerous game. Raised to this level, policy becomes a super-heated moral Armageddon that makes mere politics impossible to manage. One then might ask: Do you want this government to fail? To which a tragicomic response is appropriate: Are you insane?

Sometimes I get the feeling that we the people have become incidental to the process.

Like an embittered married couple oblivious to the fact that they are out in public, Bush..the silent type and his mercurial and hysterical mate, the Washington Press Corp, have it out while the children play in traffic.


Anonymous said...


Yes well, that is kind of the point in the article. If you ask them if they want to do that kind of damage they are outraged...but their actions say otherwise.

Rick Ballard said...

I think "dyin' ugly" sums it up both for the presse ancien and the Dems.

Rick Ballard said...


I think that I don't understand how you do that. I'm lucky to find my keyboard in the morning.

blert said...

On target....

Fire for effect....
