Thursday, June 01, 2006

Shrinking Horizons

Dr. Sanity tipped me off to a new Carnival - Pyschbloggers. I haven't followed the Carnivals very much but this one seems pretty interesting.

Perhaps members of the Flares mental health team will give it a shot? Something on the order of 'Beyond BDS - Taking Dementia to a New Dimension' would be worth reading.


buddy larsen said...

Adding my endorsement to Rick's. Click the link & give it a once-over--looks good. We need to support our non-surrender docs. I don't mean Iraq, I mean, yo sole soul.

Doug said...

The Non-Amnesty Nightmare
McCain/Kennedy/Bush on Acid (we wish) simple corruption
WASHINGTON -- The director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, the agency that would administer a new guest-worker program and rule on applications from millions of illegal aliens, says the pending Senate bill doesn't give his agency enough time to prepare for that giant task.

"Quite frankly, I don't think that's really practical. Ninety days to register 12 million people. Do the math," Emilio T. Gonzalez, who took over as director early this year, told The Washington Times.

We're litigating cases today from 1986. And I think the reason we're doing that -- I'm not a lawyer, by the way -- is, if you don't take care of the details, that's what's going to bring you down," he said.

Doug said...

Maybe just hire Terrye to declare them all legal and declare all Conservatives non-voting Nativist NAZIS?

Doug said...


Anonymous said...

Maybe we should just hire Doug and he can hijack all the threads as well arrange the mass deportations at gun point.

You know doug the fun part of the internet is that I could go over to Kos and they would call me a Nazi.

Anonymous said...

BTW, if 90 days is not enough time, give them more.

My wasn't that hard?

buddy larsen said...

Carnival of the capitalists is great. I've saved a hunerd of 'em and one of these days I'm gonna open one up and read some of it.

Doug said...

Everyone that disagrees with Teddy's Trial Lawyer written Amnesty is not for deportation, Terrye:
I would think you and AJ might know that by now.
You mentioned Malkin's ethical deficits earlier:
Any specifics, or do you just really favor deporting all Filipinos?