Friday, July 26, 2024


Get ready for an obsessed weekend with Duda Beat featuring Mateus Carrilho and Jaloo.


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Fried corn dinner

Tipper Pressley cooks a meal of fried corn, cracklin cornbread, fried squash, soup beans, tomatoes, home canned pickles, and fat back. Tipper is from North Carolina and runs a YouTube channel about Appalachia. I've showed some of her cooking videos before.


Sunday, July 21, 2024

Paintings of gas stations

Click any image to enlarge

Gas stations are ubiquitous in the U.S. Of course they are the subject of paintings. However, a large percentage of those paintings are of old-timey gas stations rather than modern ones. I guess it is the call of vintage cars and nostalgia.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Walking in Wuhan

Because of the Great Firewall China controls what is posted on Western platforms. China carefully curates it image, preferring to portray themselves as sparkling and modern. Hence the endless shots of high-speed rail, robot delivery vehicles, brand new buildings and so forth. 

Logic tells you there is something Potemkin-villagey about all that. Aside from that, a lot of Chinese street videos are nothing more than collections of pretty Chinese girls aimed at Western simps, so finding a good walking in cities video was a bit of a challenge.

The above is a walk through what appears to be middle class neighborhood in Wuhan, China (insert your own covid joke here). I think it is morning, the shop keepers are setting up their stalls and storefronts. He wanders through several streets and alleys. One thing that is striking, a lot of the vehicles and almost all of the scooters are electric, so the traffic sound is much quieter.

As an aside, the video was posted about a month ago. Since then, the upper Yangtze River basin has had a lot of rain and experienced heavy flooding. The Wuhan riverside area was flooded, and some of the interior streets as well.


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Still life with hamburger

Click any image to enlarge

Today we have still lifes featuring the humble hamburger. Well, a couple of them aren't technically still lifes since they have people in them, but most fit the definition. 

The meat patties are not that visually interesting; it is the condiments, lettuce, and the buns that give the burgers color and attractiveness in the paintings. Also, the paintings that are framed as more traditional still lifes, with fries, drinks, wrappers and a background, work better than the ones that just focus on the burgers alone.     

Bon appétit.

Friday, July 12, 2024