Sunday, June 04, 2006

Will sombody PLEASE tell Roger...

I can't comment at RogerLSimon. Haven't been able to for MONTHS. I've mentioned it here and everybody dismisses me. Oh, we don't post there anyway. I've tried emailing him several times and gotten no response.

Whenever I try, I get a page that says 'Registration is required'. It's not the Typekey thing where there's a link to relog into Typekey. Even if I go to Typekey and log on it does not good. Same page comes up when I try to comment at Roger's 'Registration is required'. I've tried with IE. I've tried with Opera. Same damn thing.

I've deleted cookies. They get rewritten. Nothing is stopping them.

Well, Terrye, I see you posting over there. Can you at least let Roger know that I've been trying least since he changed his site months and months ago?

UPDATE: The problem seems to be that my IP is blocked. Roger is checking though he can't imagine why he would have blocked me, and I've 'opened a ticket' with SixApart. Got a response from SixApart basically telling me it's the specific site blocking me, not them, but asking for further info. I gave it to them.


Anonymous said...

yes ma'am.

I wonder what the problem is?

Anonymous said...

I left a message.

Syl said...

Thanks, Terrye.

Skook...I never get in :(

vnjagvet said...

I haven't had any trouble on Roger's site, but have on other typekey sites.

I couldn't figure it our either.

Rick has been commenting regularly on Roger's site too, and he usually has a good grasp on technical issues, unlike me.

Syl said...

I installed Firefox (again). Same thing.

Man, Firefox's graphic painting is S-L-O-W compared to IE and even Opera.

Syl said...

This browser thing is a bitch. IE is so locked down by MS that there are things I can no longer do--like click a link to a graphic ON MY OWN HARDRIVE. I can't save pages at DAZ because their images come out of a special cache server. I can't save pages where the css comes from another server. I can't open up Haloscan comments when the script comes from Haloscan instead of the server the blogspot page is on.

But then Opera which does the above just fine, doesn't deal well with typepad sites, and won't keep my login at DAZ (disaster).

Firefox paints the pages very slowly. Haven't tested out everything yet, but so far it doesn't do redirects like the other two browsers do and I haven't found a setting for that yet.

What a waste of time all this is.

Syl said...

When filling in the form on Roger's main page to send him mail, I get an error about no such directory. The mail doesn't even get through.

This has happened with three different browsers over the last few months.

I even responded to an old email of his to me, nothing.

Maybe he just doesn't want me. ;)

chuck said...


I use firefox on linux and haven't had any problems commenting on Roger's site. Maybe you've been banned? Not on purpose, of course.

Firefox painting images slowly hasn't been a problem either. However, there are a few sites that use up all my cpu, which is either a bug in Firefox or the site. Atlas Shrugs has been a problem recently, for instance.

What speed internet connection do you have? I've got broadband here and that might make a difference with the images.

chuck said...

I get an error about no such directory

Have you deleted the Firefox cache? Go to preferences->privacy->cache and hit the button. Maybe clear the saved forms also -- that's where the information for login names/passwords is stored. Have you got cookies enabled?

Syl said...

Well, my message did get through this time. I got a response from Roger!

But he says he hasn't a clue and is afraid the techy folks are too busy with Pajamas to deal with it but he'll try.


I have broadband. The difference between IE and Opera on the one hand, and Firefox on the other as to painting speed is dramatic. I have an excellent graphics card (because of DAZ Studio)--nVidia FX5500 with the latest drivers.

And that error message re no such directory happened on all three browsers.

Well, we'll see what happens.

Syl said...


Interesting. That's what's happened to me at Tom Maguire's place.

buddy larsen said...

Your great-great grandad had nothing but smoke signals, and if it was raining and he couldn't spark his flint to light some green wood, he was stuck and couldn't get anything out or in. Then came the Iron Horse and the Talking Wire and things got a little better.

Syl said...

At Roger's there's no place to put in my name. Supposedly it gets it from a script (that reads a cookie?). But it isn't happening.

The name is always blank (in the line where it says thanks for signing in.) and if I do a preview, I'm listed as anonymous.

If I click 'signout' it contacts typekey, then redisplays the same shit: Thanks for signing in.

Go back to typekey and log in again. Back to Roger's same shit.

Thanks for signing in. And I'm always anonymous.

Syl said...


Yes, he's using typekey. The little key is next to your name when you post. I guess it just isn't timing out the login like it used to.

Tom's place is different. I get the entry fields above the comment area, and they're automatically filled in and Typekey never gets involved.

Rick Ballard said...


Try a new typepad account using a different password and your gmail addy.

There is a good chance that you've been appended to a blocked list through TypeKey's marvelous "inadvertent error algorithm".

Syl said...


Thanks for the tip.

I now have a new Typekey account. Still no go.

Same shit as before.

I give up.

Rick Ballard said...

It's probably a blocked IP address. If you have someone you trust with your password, have them try and post from another provider. If they can, then TypeKey has blocked too large a group within your IP's address set.

Here's the TypePad/Key support addy.

I recommend sacrificing a chicken prior to sending your supplication. Some people swear by it.

Syl said...


Just sent info to your gmail account.


buddy larsen said...

Rick, as soon as you're thru with Syl's computer, could you make me a salami sandwich and a cup of coffee?

Rick Ballard said...

Getcher own damned coffee - I'm still working on a paper jam in the copier.

Syl said...


NO. That was Rick pretending to me. Which means MY IP address is blocked.

How to get it UN-blocked is another matter.