Wednesday, February 08, 2006

"Speaking truth to power as long as it isn't scary"

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. Hat tipping to, and title stolen from, Maggie's Farm.


truepeers said...


Anonymous said...

They should publish them. They published the AbuGhraib pics time and again.

Too bad Aljazeera is not so sensitive.

buddy larsen said...


April 1, 2006. New York -- In response to a series of offensive cartoons published in an Iranian newspaper and subsequently printed in every newspaper around the globe, including many which had refused to publish the now-forgotten "anti-Muslim" cartoons last winter, the "Jewish street" erupted. At Brandeis University, a course on Lesbian motifs in Yiddish literature was briefly interrupted as students asked their professor what he thought about the controversy. In Washington D.C. a flurry of letters to the editor and press releases poured out of Jewish organizations. In New York, Commentary magazine -- a leading organ of the "neoconservative" Jewish Right -- announced it would run three articles on Iran in its next issue as well as an extensive letters section.

"This is outrageous but expected," thundered a furious Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League on a longer-than-normal appearance on MSNBC's "Hardball with Chris Matthews."

Elsewhere Jewish tempers weren't running so hot. At Artie's Delicatessen on the Upper West Side of New York, Josh Greenberg ate a pastrami sandwich with a friend, Abe Kolman, hoping to avoid all the furor in the Jewish street. "Zabar's is a mad house today," Greenberg observed. When asked about the Iranian newspaper controversy, Greenberg said "What are you going to do?"

Kolman, an orthodontist, added "I'd stop eating Iranian pistachios, I guess."

The White House continued to plead with Jews across America to stay calm.

Barry Dauphin said...

Th picture were printed in the Egyptian press five months ago.It would seem both the outrage and the sensitivity of the MSM is manufactured.

Further indication that the mullahs are testing the West. This is a probe of defenses, a how will they react? sort of thing. The mullahs say, "Jump!", CNN asks, "How high?"

Rick Ballard said...


Absolutely. How many "autos da fe" does it take to cower the French? How do Danes and Norwegians react to having consuls burned? What do the Brits do when we bomb their subways? What will the Israelis give us next?

The Arabs have time honored traditions of dealing with bandits who can't back up their threats. We should study the traditional customs of our foes a bit more carefully with an eye toward dealing with them in a manner which will draw, if not their admiration, at least their very close attention.

Anonymous said...

You know though, I think this has served another is actually dawning on some thick headed people out there that the Arab street is in a perpetual state of eruption. They are pissed all the time, kissing up does not help.