Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A Piss-Ant War?

That is what Shannon Love says at Chicago Boyz. I think he has a point.


Anonymous said...

It is amazing how this little part of the world gets so much damn attention. I read somewhere that Israel occupies .2% of the land of the ME. In other words 99.8% of the region is in the hands of Arabs and then ofcourse there are the Persians.

Yes, it is kind of out of whack. For instance how many people in Africa have to die to get this kind of attention?

Rick Ballard said...

Israel has now moved sufficient forces in to assure a decent eradication effort. Fair warning has been given and any male over thirteen south of the Litani is a legitimate target. I imagine that Brown County had a few hackrabbit drives in the good old days - that's what southern Lebanon is going to be like for the next month. With a little luck the Israeli's may get a few AP or Reuter's camera ghouls too. Maybe even Green Hat.

Rick Ballard said...

Having hezzie prisoners was what got the current fracas started. Taking more of them would be a misuse of Israeli resources.

MeaninglessHotAir said...

Two words: "tipping point".

Just how big was the Archduke, after all?