Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Egyptian pyramid functionality

To modern eyes the pyramids are evocative, but mysterious structures. Why were they built? This video discusses a theory about how the pyramids were intended to be used.

The original burial structure for pharaohs was a mastaba. It was a tomb surrounded by storage rooms. These rooms were full of supplies that the Pharoah would need in his afterlife. Of course, eternity is a long time, and the supplies would eventually run out, impoverishing our ghostly Pharaohs.

That wouldn't do. Contrary to the prevailing notion that pyramids were sealed to protect their wealth from grave robbers, pyramids and their associated temple complexes were designed to be accessible. Their storerooms would be ceremonially resupplied to assure the dear, departed Pharoah of a comfortable life beyond the veil. It was only when central authority began to collapse that pyramids were sealed to protect their interiors.


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