Easter Sunday, Duncan Oklahoma, 1959.
Sugar and spice and everything nice. Every Easter I got dolled up and went to Church with my parents. We had Easter egg hunts and my grandmother always had a new crop of baby chicks to play with. If we were gentle. I miss those days.
Happy Easter! You look beautiful.
Happy Easter to all.
Well it was a few [ahem] decades ago.
I put out Easter eggs for the boy to find and the dogs got most of them. They tracked me. The little heathens.
I also baked a ham and made a cake.
Golly, is it Easter?
BTW, I moved this to the top of the page for the rest of the day.
Postmodernist (see below) though I be, I join in wishing all, believer and no, a Happy Easter!
Nice pic, terrye. I wasn't yet one on Easter Sunday in 1959. I'll have to ask my Mom if they dressed me up an took me to church.
Not yet one?
Rub it in why doncha..
MY mother used to really get into that kind of thing.
Happy Easter!
Terrye, you look a lot like a certain niece of mine! Cute as curls.
Happy Easter to all. I hope it's as beautiful a day for you whereever you are as it is here today.
Happy Easter. Great picture, terrye.
Happy Easter everyone. It was a beautiful day here in Atlanta. A perfect Easter day. What a glorious time of the year.
Terrye's pic made me realize that she is younger than my baby sister, who was 11 in 1959. It really makes me feel old. I was a senior in college then.
Where has the time gone?
Great music for Easter today in church, including the Halleluiah Chorus among others. Hadn't sung the tenor line since high school.
What a great day!!!!
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