In thinking about the previous post, I wanted to do a little bit of shameless self-promotion. A theme of my just released book, Tantalizing Times: Excitements, Disconnects and Discontents in Contemporary American Society addresses this juxtaposition of our great fortune and our...well you name it... complaints, peeves, discontents, unhappiness, entitlements, etc. My peeve is that the publisher is selling it as a textbook (i.e., too expensive for most folks sight unseen), although I wrote it for the general public. Oh well, beggers can't be choosers. In any event, this is a theme that Tocqueville wrote about beautifully. The book is available through Amazon or via the publisher Peter Lang Publishing. OK, end of self plug for now.
Thanks, David
I think it is difficult for humans to be satisfied in this way. As I was researching, I was always struck by how this theme kept coming up and how much better off we are the ever, yet to watch the polls, listen to TV, etc. it's gonna be hell any day now. Tocqueville commented on this being an issue with democracies, because people who live under monarchies (or repressive regimes) can only dream of a good life, while inhabitants of democracies not only have great things available in the society but always see someone who has it better than they. In some ways this is an old issue but is also an issue of our times.
"while inhabitants of democracies not only have great things available in the society but always see someone who has it better than they. In some ways this is an old issue but is also an issue of our times."
"always see someone who has it better than they."
as some would put it:
"Lord,how I love thy Law".
interesting that there is no need to reinvent wisdom.
best of luck,Barry.
Thanks, gumshoe1. Yes, the digital age doesn't mean everything is new.
Okay, pre-ordered. how do I get it autographed?
"Yes, the digital age doesn't mean everything is new."
Having spent over a year reading pyschiatrists and pyschologists writing about the abundant followers of Narcissus I suppose I would have to agree.
Tantalus is approximately coeval, I believe, and just as germane. As Gumshoe notes, the problem was noted even earlier. I could probably root around in the Code of Hammorabi and find something that predates his quotation, too.
What amazing changes technology hath wrought.
Best wishes for success for your book. I think the publisher was wrong not to take it to mass market but I'm sure he had thirty reasons why it wouldn't work.
Oh well, I have to get back to pushing the boulder up the hill. Some day I'll get it over the top and be done.
Having traveled in some God forsaken places all this complaining seems particularly odd to me. Still, when you think about it, wanting more is what keeps the wheel greased..Just so you remember you really don't need a fraction of what you think you do.
Maybe we have to have a YARGB convention :>).
Or we'll figure out a way for autographing. I think the Tennessee Professor autographed some kind of plates folks could put into their books. Maybe that would work.
Yes, Sisyphus was one of the sinners in Hades with Tantalus. It's a small (under)world after all.
It seems to me that all systems have their downsides, including our own. I take a Churchillian perspective. Our Democracy and capitalism are the worst governments and economic systems created, except for all the others tried. For liberty to work really well, people are better off realizing that a certain level of self control and self restraint is actually a gift and not a prison. Sometimes folks learn this the hard way, if at all. It can be a thin line between liberty and license. It's not easy for some to forsake the fantasy of omnipotence.
And thanks for the kind words and pre-order.
Congratulations and good luck with your book.
My wise ol Granny would say that people are never satisfied because they keep looking in the wrong place for what they need.
Kind of like that bottomless hunger that drives nervous eaters. Try a little of this, a little of that....
thanks for your congrats and your grandmother's insights.
I wish the trade paperback were coming out tomorrow. The publisher certainly feels they know best. I suppose they'll put libraries on the hook for helping defray the inital cost. I'm hoping if it goes to second printing, it will either be paperback or much less expensive. They are dealing with the initial costs of publishing a nobody and they target the captive textook market.
Library purchases count! Yes, I'm a Yargbian. Although I have to be careful where I say that or Harry Reid might try to deport me.
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