Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Why Did Bush Beat Kerry?



loner said...

Who's who?

Rick Ballard said...


It doesn't really matter if they find a thread the needle candidate. The Dems are emulating the demographic suicide that Truepeers noted in the post below. The replacements for the Yellow Dogs have been going down abortionists sinks for thirty years (admittedly, on a 60/40 basis) and the nihilist no growthers are justly reaping what they have so assiduously sown.

Who is to say that the world will not be a better place when they reach their objective?

vnjagvet said...


'nuff seen. Especially revealing are the pics contrasting GWB and Laura with JFK and Terayza.

To me it looks like the difference between a marriage and a merger.

Anonymous said...

Kerry is such a pussy.

Sorry, but it is the God's honest truth.

BTW, Evan Bayh voted against Hayden and is hedging on supporting the Protection of Marriage Act. Sounds to me like the young man from Indiana might be looking toward the future. Fat chance he will get anywhere.

MeaninglessHotAir said...

Sounds to me like the young man from Indiana might be looking toward the future. Fat chance he will get anywhere.

All those politicians are the same. They are all too big for their britches. Very few of them have any realistic hope of any future beyond where they are today, but it's what they live for.

Question: when was the last time a Senator won the Presidency? When was the last time a Senator made a good President?

Anonymous said...

Well let me see, the last Senator to become President was Jack Kennedy [I think?]. To make a good President? I dunno, it is a matter of opinion. Truman maybe.

Rick Ballard said...

"when was the last time a Senator won the Presidency?"

Nixon - '72

"When was the last time a Senator made a good President?"

Truman - '45-'53

I don't regard Kennedy or Johnson as having had 'good' terms as President - somehow '60-'68 just doesn't ring any bells with me.

Anonymous said...


I was thinking that Nixon was a Congressman. How soon we forget.

buddy larsen said...

He should be listed along with Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy as a US President assassinated in office.